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VITALS: Veterinary Integrated Training & Adaptive Learning Services

Veterinary VITALS is an educational service provider. We develop animal-health-related content, then partner with a college, high school, vet practice, or pet parent to provide programs and support.

Through collaboration and partnership, Veterinary VITALS works to create and support a higher standard of animal-care-ability leading to a higher level of sustainability for the veterinary profession and enhanced human-animal bonds.


Our premier campus product service is the VITALS Vet Assistant Training Program and comprehensive program management services. Visit the Campuses page to learn more.

Veterinary Educators

Our highlighted services for Veterinary Educators are our faculty development courses, supplemental content resources, and career guidance consultations. Visit the Vet Educators page to learn more.

Veterinary Professionals and Care Teams

Our highlighted services for Veterinary Teams and Professionals are our quality-of-life consultations, career development courses, and team well-being program. Visit the Vet Teams and Pros page to learn more.

Pet Parents and Animal Caregivers

Our premier service for pet parents is our compassionate quality-of-life consultation which includes support through decision-making, pet loss, and grief. Visit the Pet Parent page to learn more.

VITALS Mission

The VITALS’ mission is to enhance the animal care-ability for all animal caretakers by providing access to quality educational training programs


  • Collaboration
  • Resourcefulness
  • Sustainability
  • The Art of Appreciation